Weekly Chiropractic Info

Innate and the Three Bears

Posted: March 26, 2019
By: The Weekly Sticky

Remember the lead character in Goldilocks and the Three Bears? She didn’t settle for too hot, or too cold – too hard, or too soft. She kept trying until she found what was JUST RIGHT! When it comes to fighting disease, your body innately strives for the same thing.

Disease is nothing more than your body performing too much or too little of something. If your thyroid is under active, you have hypothyroidism. If your lungs over react to dust in the air, you experience asthma. If your heart pumps too hard, you have high blood pressure. Health on the other hand is when your body is clearly directed by its inner wisdom to produce, adapt, regenerate, secrete, eliminate, filter and metabolize to a degree that’s JUST RIGHT!

Chiropractors recognize that no doctor, pharmacy or research lab on the planet can live up to the awesome task of keeping EVERYTHING in your body working JUST RIGHT! Only innate intelligence, the immeasurable genius within you, is capable of handling that job. The best we can do as Chiropractors is to remove the stress that gets in its way. When we do, we know innate will only settle for what’s JUST RIGHT inside you!


Like a Box of Chocolates

Posted: March 19, 2019
By: The Weekly Sticky

According to Dr. Oz, the known side effects of mixing two prescription drugs are minimal at best. When you mix 3, the research is almost non existent… and more than that? Forget it! The scientists, doctors and pharmaceutical industries have no clue how those chemicals react together, much less in each individual person!

Balancing the body’s chemistry in a healthy way is not an easy task! How much stomach acid is required to digest a meal… what hormones are needed to facilitate cellular reactions… when should the flood of neurotransmitter be sped up or shut down. When it comes to our body’s chemical state, there’s only one thing smart enough to keep it all in perfect balance – and it isn’t Big Pharma!

Health is a balancing act best managed by the innate wisdom inside your body. Trying to override that wisdom from the outside with a mixed cocktail of prescriptions is risky and dangerous at best. Side effects are like a box of chocolates… you never know what you’re gonna get!

After the Fall

Posted: March 12, 2019
By: The Weekly Sticky

According to the developer of Chiropractic, BJ Palmer, a clumsy slip and fall may seem like a small thing. But the cascade of events that follow could potentially lead to bigger problems down the road.

The slip, however insignificant, creates an unexpected jar to the spine… vertebrae become misaligned (subluxated)… nerve pressure ensues… tissues become starved of instruction… malfunction follows… sickness develops… potential is robbed… and the course of life is altered! All from an inconsequential, embarrassing moment in time – unless remedied soon after the event.

No matter how minor the slip, your chiropractor would rather evaluate you right away to be safe. Not only can they adjust you back into alignment if necessary, correcting subluxations sooner can thwart disruptions in your life (and the lives of others) later. After the fall, do us all a favor and get checked!

Maintaining the Goose

Posted: March 5, 2019
By: The Weekly Sticky

We all have excuses for not getting to the Chiropractor more often – too many appointments, too many responsibilities, too many “you fill in the blanks.” You’re the golden goose and you have little time and LOTS of people to keep happy. But what you don’t realize is those “I’m too busy” excuses are the EXACT reasons why you need to take better care of your spine and nerve system!

Every activity you perform starts as a mental impulse in your brain that travels through your spinal cord and nerves until it reaches its final destination. Nothing happens in your body without FIRST being patterned in the nerve system! From the simple act of getting up from a chair to more complex ones like balancing your books, everything you do in life is first done in your nerve system then executed in your body. And the more clear your nerve system is kept with regular chiropractic care, the more efficient and effective those jobs become!

A full plate is no excuse for missing adjustments. If you have co-workers and family depending on you, you owe it to them and yourself to maintain a clear nerve system so you can always perform to your best! A well adjusted goose lays more golden eggs!
