Weekly Chiropractic Info

Wear and Tear Happens

Posted: January 7, 2020
By: The Weekly Sticky

Your doctor determined from your last set of X-Rays that you have arthritis in your spine. Now you’re concerned with how it got there. Was it the physical stress of your job? The 15 years of league bowling? Or maybe the accident you had when you were a teenager? It’s hard to tell.

When it comes to arthritis the underlying cause isn’t necessarily what you DID, but more what you HAVEN’T BEEN DOING. Do you maximize the range of motion in your body every day? Do you regularly have your spine checked for subluxations? Joints wear down faster when they’re stuck and misaligned – that’s why it’s important to keep them lined up and moving with regularly spaced Chiropractic care!

Blaming the activities in your life for your arthritis is like blaming the sidewalk for scuffing your shoes. Things naturally wear down when you use them over time, including your spine. Instead of worrying about the wear and tear you have, start doing something NOW to slow the process! Getting adjusted more often is a good place to start.

A Better Healthcare Game

Posted: December 17, 2019
By: The Weekly Sticky

Poor Rudolf, the enthusiastic little reindeer with the quirky glowing nose – no one wanted to play with him because he was different. There was a time when the Chiropractic profession was in the same sleigh.

Before the famous 1987 Wilk’s Antitrust case victory, the American Medical Association made strong efforts to keep Chiropractors from playing their “health care game” – warning its members to never refer patients to Chiropractors or face being shunned by the entire medical community. They failed to realize Chiropractic was an entirely unique health care approach (unlike medicine in any shape or form) and we wouldn’t be bullied out of serving the public with our “different” Principle!

Today the playing field is different. More and more people rely on the inherent, recuperative properties of their own bodies and use Chiropractic to preserve and protect their health without drugs or surgery. With our Principle so bright, we’ll continue guiding our patients to better health and more life!

Triple Dog Innate Dare

Posted: December 10, 2019
By: The Weekly Sticky

You’ve been given the throw down. Your family and friends are egging you on to try their Chiropractor. But you don’t “believe” in Chiropractic and doubt it would actually work for your health problems.

The question isn’t whether you believe in Chiropractic, but rather do you believe in your own ability to heal yourself? You see, Chiropractors don’t heal anything. It’s the innate doctor inside you that does all the healing. Chiropractors simply create a better environment (a clear nerve system) for that process to happen.

So what do you have to lose? You’ve been to every specialist under the sun. You hate taking drugs and the idea of surgery scares you. So why not call the Chiropractor and get connected to your innate. You’ll be amazed at what the doctor inside you is capable of doing – we triple dog dare you to try it!

Subluxation Tuesday

Posted: December 3, 2019
By: The Weekly Sticky

Thanksgiving is over, so let the shopping stress begin! Millions of people worldwide will spend the next several weeks in a buying frenzy determined to secure the perfect gift for a rock bottom price, all while sacrificing their health and their sanity in the process.

According to a 2006 Greenburg Quinlin Rosner Research survey people in the United States are more likely to feel their stress increase rather than decrease during the holidays citing, the holidays can be a hectic time for many, and a lack of money, a lack of time, and the hype and commercialism is the cause of it all. No doubt the self-induced stress of Black Friday and Cyber Monday can lead to Subluxation Tuesday.

The antidote – Don’t stress over finding the right present; instead, try BEING present. The greatest gift of all is the innate intelligence within you and a stress free nerve system to express it. Don’t let this year’s must have item steal your peace and healthiness. Get adjusted, get your power turned on and focus on the real reason for the season!

An Ounce of Chiropractic

Posted: November 19, 2019
By: The Weekly Sticky

There’s a saying that goes an ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure. From a financial stand point, nothing could be truer when it comes to using chiropractic care.

A 2005 study published in JMPT found “for low back and neck pain, the inclusion of Chiropractic benefits resulted in a reduction in the rates of surgery, advanced imaging, inpatient care, and x-rays!” That means less unnecessary testing, less hospitalization and fewer operations when chiropractic care is made available. The scales clearly tip in our favor.

When you keep your nerve system clear and give your body a chance to heal itself, you end up saving tons of time, money and aggravation. Chiropractors know it, our patients know it, and now the rest of the work is catching on!

Are You Micro-Healing?

Posted: November 12, 2019
By: The Weekly Sticky

No one likes the boss breathing down their neck, watching every move they make, looking for any excuse to criticize their work, especially if they were hired for their ability to get the job done. A boss’s trust, patience and appreciation will motivate more than their fear and uncertainty.

Successful business owners know it’s best to hire great talent and trust them to get the job done without the need for constant management. Healing is no different. When it comes to overcoming an illness, you already possess an expert employee (innate intelligence) who knows how to address, adapt and correct any disruption in your health – and its skill set is far beyond your comprehension. So forget trying to micro-manage its work from the outside.

“Looking over innate’s back” while its diligently trying to do its job won’t help matters any – in fact, it could slow your recovery process down. When it comes to healing, cut your body some slack… The doctor inside you knows way more about what has to be done and when it has to be done to bring you to perfect health. To get the best out of it, a little trust, patience and appreciation will go a long way!

Once You Start...

Posted: November 5, 2019
By: The Weekly Sticky

… eating broccoli, do you have to eat it for the rest of your life? The answer is obviously no, unless you parents still have an iron grip on your diet. No one can force you to do something that’s good for your health and your life if you don’t want to.

If you don’t want to renew that gym membership, go to yoga classes or reduce your stress with meditation, that’s up to you. Don’t feel like watching your sugar intake or taking your vitamins, the choice is yours to reap the benefits or face the consequences. And the same goes for your chiropractic care.

“Once you start chiropractic care, you have to keep going for the rest of your life” is a fallacy. Although it’s true, many clients who start chiropractic CHOOSE to continue with regular care because they appreciate the many health benefits that come from having a strong spine and clear nerve system… no one is forcing them to do so. They do it because it simply makes sense – just like eating their broccoli!

Scaring Your Health Away

Posted: October 31, 2019
By: The Weekly Sticky

Are you an overly anxious person? Is worry a perpetual state of your being? Unfortunately, that constant “fear” of what’ lurking under your bed mentality can be creating the chronic pain you have in your body right now!

According to Hans Selye MD, well known author of The Stress of Life, transient anxious states elicit a natural stress response in our bodies. However, prolonged and persistent levels of anxiety can cause an overreaction. Your muscles become so tight, they unintentionally pull your spine off its axis – creating posture distortions, chronic immobility and potential nerve damage (a.k.a subluxations). That’s how constant fear causes constant pain.

Nothing is scarier than living in a perpetual, subluxated state. If you know someone who’s suffering with chronic stress, anxiety and pain, tell them how Chiropractic care can potentially pull them from the darkness of dis-ease into the light of health and happiness. Have a safe and Happy Halloween!

May Cause Corrosion

Posted: October 22, 2019
By: The Weekly Sticky

If having painful arthritis wasn’t bad, now a popular medical treatment for joint pain may actually make the degeneration worse. Steroid injections have been long touted as an effective way to reduce joint inflammation and pain, but could they be doing more harm than good?

Researchers are noticing an acceleration of the patients’ osteoarthritis progression, as well as other negative effects including subchondral insufficiency fracture, osteonecrosis and rapid joint destruction with bone loss after undergoing the procedure multiple times – as if the steroid injections were corroding the joints, instead of healing them.

It isn’t uncommon to hear a patient say they’ve had multiple steroid injections over short period of time. But you have to ask yourself… is too much of a questionable thing really worth the risk? There are safer, more natural approaches to help your body heal itself – like Chiropractic!


Source: https://www.cnn.com/2019/10/17/health/steroid-injections-study-trnd/index.html

Get in Gear

Posted: October 15, 2019
By: The Weekly Sticky

When you turn your neck or twist your back does your spine snap, grind and ratchet like a bicycle chain stuck in mid gear? That grating noise could mean something’s out of alignment.

Your spine is made up of movable bones called vertebrae, each joined perfectly together like the links of a bicycle chain. If one or more of these joints become stuck and misaligned it can slowly wreak havoc on the mechanical integrity of your entire spine. Don’t neglect the noises. Abnormal grinding (crepitus) of spinal joints may indicated early degenerative joint disease.

Remember, unlike a bicycle chain, you can’t replace spinal “links” when they get damaged. Get your vertebrae aligned by Dr. Rini who is thoroughly trained in restoring the normal mechanics of your spine, and protect yourself from premature wear and tear!
