Weekly Chiropractic Info

Einstein Got it Right

Posted: March 17, 2020
By: The Weekly Sticky

One of Albert Einstein’s famous quotes is “Nothing happens until something moves. When something vibrates, the electrons of the entire universe resonate with it. Everything is connected.”

Motion is life… lack of motion is death. It’s a foundational reason why Chiropractors adjust spines – to restore normal motion to joints, mental impulses transmission through nerves and subsequently, Life throughout your entire body. When you become “connected” the Life inside you resonates positively to your loved ones, your community, and your planet!

If Einstein is right, the small act of moving a spine causes the entire universe to resonate with Life and Health – everything gets connected. And why wouldn’t you want to reap the benefits of that?

Daylight Adjustment Time

Posted: March 10, 2020
By: The Weekly Sticky

What does turning your clocks forward and adjustments have in common? Both give you more LIGHT – get it! The primary purpose of Chiropractic is to locate and correct Subluxations. If you break the word down you get:


SUB = Less, LUX = Light, and ATION = A state or condition of.


Subluxation literally means a state of less “Light” or energy caused when misaligned spinal bones restrict the flow of impulses through the nerve system. A Chiropractic adjustment corrects this misalignment, eases pressure off nerves and extends the time Life energy flows through you – giving you more opportunity to heal!

Now that the day light will be extended longer, remember your innate healing “Light” will also shine longer after every adjustment you receive. Spring forward into a healthy routine with Chiropractic!

Boosting Your Immune System

Posted: March 3, 2020

With spring on its way and with it comes warmer weather anda fresh feeling, sometimes we can’t avoid the miserable and inconvenience ofthe common cold. Our immune system is a vital part of us staying healthy, aswell as our bodies being able to function to its full potential, and ourlifestyles play a huge role in whether or not we stay healthy on a consistentbasis!How Can Chiropractic help boost the immune system?The nervous system and immune system are hardwired to worktogether to create optimal responses for the body and interact with each othermore often than you may think!The nervous system relays information to the brain from theentire body and can directly influence receptors in the immune system. Thebrain has the ability to use nerve cells to communicate directly with theimmune system and trigger an immune response, and vice versa. The immune systemcan send signals to the brain to let it know of any foreign, unwanted antigens.The brain can then tell the nervous system to react.  With the nerve system unhindered by subluxations somestudies have shown increased levels of antibodies and other essential cells inthe immune system following an adjustment. In some cases, patients who weresick with colds, sore throats, and sinus congestion reported acceleratedrecoveries after their adjustments! If you start to feelunder the weather call the office 815-623-8000 to get in to see Dr. Rini for animmune system boost, so that you can be back to your normal active self sooner!

When Your Healing Engine Stalls

Posted: February 25, 2020
By: The Weekly Sticky

An engine stall mid-driving, mid-boating, or worse yet mid-flight can certainly be a bad thing. Usually you’ll find an electrical system issue that initiated the stall… and the engines won’t fire until it’s addressed.

When old injuries fail to get 100% better, or an illness persists much longer than anticipated, it’s time to check your healing engines – and the first place to look should be your Nerve System. Nerves carry signals for muscle movement and sensation, but they also carry “neurotrophic” or tissue nourishing signals that influence growth and repair. Think of the person with limb atrophy from permanent nerve damage. Without proper nerve supply, body parts wither and die – the most common source of nerve flow restriction being a subluxated spine.

While there are many reasons for poor healing, nerve interference from spinal mis-alignments (subluxations) is a good place to start the trouble shooting process. Once normal nerve integrity and flow has been restored with proper adjustments, there’s a good chance your healing engines will start back up and you’ll be on the road to recovery again!

The Missing Piece

Posted: February 18, 2020
By: The Weekly Sticky

Setting goals for a healthier lifestyle is something we do every year… and for some, just about every month! No doubt there are a myriad of exercise plans, home gym equipment and diet regiments to choose from to restore your fitness and vitality – but will you include this important piece of the puzzle to become the healthiest version of you yet?

Eating right and exercising are important to restoring lost health. But your “best health” picture won’t be complete without a clear nerve system. Proper muscle function, efficient digestion and a good mental attitude depend on smooth transmission of signals within your nerve system – signals which can be interfered with if your spine is stiff, misaligned and in poor shape.

If you want to get the most out of any new healthy routine, make sure to pencil in a trip to your Chiropractor and have your spinal health evaluated for potential problems that could hold you back. If you fit in ALL the pieces of the puzzle, your hard work will certainly pay off.

Happy Chiro-Valentine's

Posted: February 12, 2020
By: The Weekly Sticky

There is a lot to love about Chiropractic – the science of nerve function, the art of correcting posture and spinal alignment. But the best part is the philosophy that gives meaning to it all.

Physicians focus on body parts. Psychologist analyze thoughts. Clergy tend to matters of the spirit. But no one profession touches them all… your physical health, mental health, and spiritual health like Chiropractic! You can’t experience any of these without a clear nerve system. When Chiropractors restore normal spinal alignment and clear away nerve stress, your ability to express physical, mental, and spiritual health is simply better.

Love and Life thrive where things are aligned. The resolution of pain and restoration of function are nice side effects of Chiropractic – the thing we love the most, however, is when you become whole again. Have a Happy and Healthy Valentine’s week!

In the Same Boat

Posted: February 4, 2020
By: The Weekly Sticky

Every day, people around the world thank their chiropractors for giving them their health and their lives back! It’s common to hear patients say “doc, you really did a great job…and doc, you helped me when no one else could.” But the truth is… we can’t take all the credit for it.

While medicine gives most of the credit for healing to the physician or the drug, Chiropractors see it as a team effort with for key players – the Chiropractor who clears interference from the nerve system, the innate wisdom within the patient which orchestrates the healing, the patient who practices good lifestyle habits and the time it takes for the process to unfold.

We’re ecstatic when you see results from our service. But never forget, we’re not the only one rowing the boat. There are three other oarsmen, pulling in unison… and together, we make the perfect, healing team!

A Conducive Environment

Posted: January 28, 2020
By: The Weekly Sticky

When farmers plant, they don’t question the seed’s innate ability to grow and produce crops. Neither do they dig the seeds up every day to verify they’re maturing underground. They simply prepare the soil as best as they can and trust nature to handle the rest.

Similarly, Chiropractors don’t question your innate ability to heal when we remove interference in your spine (Subluxations). We know that each human body is blessed with an internal intelligence – an auto pilot capable enough to coordinate and carry out all the steps required to build and repair damaged tissue when necessary. By adjusting, we’re simply maintaining an environment conducive for that healing process to occur (a clear nerves system) and TRUSTING the innate wisdom in the patient to run the show.

The only thing a doctor can ever heal is him or herself. Likewise, the only one capable of healing you is the “doctor” within you. The best physicians in the world recognize and yield to this awesome POWER within every patient! The best we can do is prep the soil and get out of its way.

Text Neck

Posted: January 21, 2020

Modern life has many advantages, but our bodies aren’t always prepared for the changes in the world. With our continual use of technology in today’s world, there is a new phenomenon called “Text Neck.”

What is Text Neck?

Text Neck is when someone looks down at their phone and their neck bends, so their head moves forward. For every inch that your head is held forward, an additional 10 pounds of pressure is placed on the supporting tissues of your neck and shoulders. This causes the person to have a more pronounced forward head carriage. From there it is a domino effect that causes subluxations to the cervical vertebrae, which in turn pinches the nerves and causes the muscles along the rear of the neck and upper back to accommodate for this extra load. As a result, they’ll experience stress and strain that is greater than normal!

How Can You Treat Text Neck?

Correcting your posture and being more aware of keeping your head up while looking at your phone is a great place to start, but getting in to see Dr. Rini for a regular chiropractic adjustment is the only way to help correct the subluxations in your neck and to restore its natural curve!

On the Same Page

Posted: January 15, 2020
By: The Weekly Sticky

You rarely hear a medical doctor prescribing to their patients the same care they do for their own families. Think about it, when was the last time our MD said “…here, try some of these antidepressants, statins and stomach acid inhibitors. I take them ALL to stay healthy and I give them to my family too.”

Most Chiropractors, however, cheerfully follow their own care recommendations – adjusting their family, friends and most importantly THEMSELVES to stay subluxation free and keep their bodies working at peak levels. Some adopted this “clear nerve system” lifestyle from a miraculous chiropractic experience they had before becoming one themselves… others because their parents brought them as a child or they descended from a long lineage of Chiropractors. Whatever the reason, prioritizing regular care in their OWN lives gives it so much more validity in YOURS!

Isn’t it nice to know that in a day and age of false advertising and idle promises there are DC’s who walk and talk and keep their spines aligned just like you? Do you know why your doctor decided to become a Chiropractor? The answer may inspire you.
